What’s New

July 25, 2024
IECA Urges FERC to Initiate Interstate Natural Gas Pipeline Rate Cases (view press release)

July 23, 2024
IECA Urges Congress to Amend the Natural Gas Act, Section 5 to Give FERC Authority to Refund Overcharges by Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines (view press release)

July 11, 2024
Electricity Price Inflation Exceeds the Consumer Price Index by 47%

July 9, 2024
IECA Urges FERC to Make Electric Transmission Rates Transparent (view press release)

July 2, 2024
20 Trade Associations File Comments in Opposition to EPA’s Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) and Nonattainment New Source Review (NNSR): Regulations Related to Project Emissions Accounting Proposed Rule

June 19, 2024
EIA Confirms that the Manufacturing Sector Cannot Switch from Natural Gas to Another Fuel

June 12, 2024
Electricity Transmission Competition Coalition: Request for Rehearing on FERC Rule 1920, “Building for the Future Through Electric Regional Transmission Planning and Cost Allocation, Docket No. RM21-17-000

June 12, 2024
IECA: Request for Rehearing on FERC Rule 1920, “Building for the Future Through Electric Regional Transmission Planning and Cost Allocation, Docket No. RM21-17-000

June 12, 2024
95 Electricity Consumer Organizations from Across the Country File for Rehearing Over Anti-Consumer FERC Order 1920

June 12, 2024
Electricity Price Inflation Increase Almost Double the CPI

June 6, 2024
IECA Urges Senate To Swiftly Confirm FERC Commissioners (view press release)

June 6, 2024
IECA Supports S.J. Res. 92, Congressional Review Act, Resolution of Disapproval on EPA’s Clean Power Plan 2.0

June 6, 2024
IECA Supports H.J. Res. 163, Congressional Review Act, Resolution of Disapproval on EPA’s Clean Power Plan 2.0

June 4, 2024
U.S. Manufacturing Climate Success Story (view letter) (view press release)

June 3, 2024
93 Member Consumer Group Urges Senate to Confirm FERC Nominees

May 31, 2024
IECA Files “Reply Brief” to U.S. District Court of Appeals: ITC $594 Million Transmission Project Cost Recovery

May 28, 2024
IECA Comments to EPA: New and Existing Fossil Fuel-Fired Stationary Combustion Turbines

May 21, 2024
IECA Supports Accelerating Deployment of Versatile, Advanced Nuclear for Clean Energy (ADVANCE) Act

May 15, 2024
Electricity Price Inflation Outpaces CPI by 50%

May 13, 2024
Manufacturers Support (CHP) to Qualify for Post-2025 Secs. 45Y and 48E Tax Credits

May 7, 2024
IECA Refutes Pipeline Claims that S. 4171 Would “Hamstring Pipelines Ability to Expand” (view House letter) (view press release)

April 24, 2024
Manufacturers Support H.R. 7624, the “Advancing GETs Act of 2024”

April 24, 2024
Manufacturers Support S. 3918, the “Advancing GETs Act of 2024”

April 22, 2024
Defeat of Iowa ROFR Bill Huge Victory for Consumers

April 22, 2024
U.S. Manufacturing Reduced GHG Emissions by 21.9 Percent, More Than Any Sector of the Economy

April 18, 2024
Manufacturers Support MPACT Act to Protect Consumers from Being Overcharged by Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines

April 17, 2024
Comments for Record to House Committee on Oversight Hearing on LNG Exports

April 17, 2024
LNG Exports Increase Natural Gas and Electricity Prices and Volatility

April 10, 2024
ETCC: Electricity Inflation 30% Higher Than CPI Over Last 12 Months

April 8, 2024
Manufacturers Request Extension of CHP/WHP ITC from 2024 to 2026

March 20, 2024
IECA, Along with Several Other Organizations, Support the Making Pipelines Accountable to Consumers and Taxpayers (MPACT) Act of 2024

March 20, 2024
Nominee Qs: Electricity Costs Increase by 25% in Three Years: Why? Flat Demand

March 12, 2024
Electricity Price Inflation Continues to Outpaces CPI by 12.4% as FERC Decision on Transmission Competition Nears

March 5, 2024
IECA DOE Input on “LNG Pause Assessment” (view press release)

March 4, 2024
ETCC: WIRES Letter to FERC Incorrectly Pits Collaboration Against Transmission Competition

February 22, 2024
Electricity Consumers Rebuts False Claims Made by EEI in FERC Transmission Docket

February 15, 2024
LNG Exports Have Market Power Over U.S. Consumers

February 13, 2024
Electricity Inflation Tops Monthly CPI by 400% Driven by Spiraling Transmission Rate Increases

February 12, 2024
IECA Opposes H.R. 7176, the Unlocking Domestic LNG Potential Act

February 9, 2024
IECA FERC Complaint: FERC ROFR Law Exception in Tariff Attachment FF is Unjust and ROFR Laws Interfere with the FERC’s Exclusive Jurisdiction

February 7, 2024
IECA Submits Comments for the Record on Hearing to “Examine the Administration’s Pause on LNG Export Approvals and the Department of Energy’s Process for Assessing LNG Export Applications” (view press release)

February 5, 2024
IECA Submits Comments for the Record for Hearing on “Politics Over People: How Biden’s LNG Export Ban Threatens America’s Energy and Economic Security” (view press release)

February 5, 2024
IECA LNG Inventory Policy

February 1, 2024
Utility Report Fails to Debunk Transmission Competition Benefits

January 25, 2024
IECA Urges DOE to Insulate the U.S. Market from LNG Impacts and Pause New Approvals (view press release)

January 22, 2024
IECA States that Transmission ITC Not Needed

January 16, 2024
IECA and 10 Organizations Support S. 1863, the PROVE It Act

January 12, 2024
IECA Supports S. 1863, the PROVE It Act

January 12, 2024
IECA Reaffirms Its Support for MVP Southgate Pipeline Certificate

January 11, 2024
December Electricity Price Inflation Jumps 1.3%, Outpacing CPI at Just .3% – FERC Must Act

January 10, 2024
IECA Supports Senator Cortez Masto’s Legislation to Expedite Generator & Storage Interconnection

December 12, 2023
Monthly Electricity Price Inflation Increases 1.4% vs .1% for CPI Due to Accelerating Transmission Costs – FERC Must Act

December 7, 2023
IECA Petitions the Court for Judicial Review of ITC Midwest Incentive

November 17, 2023
IECA Files in Support of the Ohio Consumer Council Complaint at FERC on Supplemental Transmission Projects

October 3, 2023
IECA Opposes BIG WIRES Act as Written

October 2, 2023
IECA Supports MVP Southgate Pipeline Expansion

September 18, 2023
IECA Opposes LNG Export Bill H.R. 1130 – “Protects LNG Exports at Expense of U.S. Consumers” (view press release)

September 7, 2023
IECA Requests Rehearing of FERC Decision on ITC Midwest Transmission Project

August 8, 2023
FERC Commissioner Christie Agrees with IECA on ITC Midwest Rate Recovery Protest

August 8, 2023
IECA/EITE Industry Groups Comment on EPA’s GHG Power Sector Rule

August 4, 2023
ETCC Files FERC Motion to Intervene in DCR Transmission Case – In Opposition to Cost Recovery Above Winning Bid Amount

July 19, 2023
IECA Urges FERC to Approve Transco Pipeline Southside Reliability Enhancement Project

July 17, 2023
IECA FERC Motion for Leave to Answer – ITC Midwest Seeks Approval of 100% of Costs for Transmission Project Even if Project is Never Completed

July 17, 2023
IECA and Other Organizations Request Extension of Time for EPA Comments: Data Elements Under the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule

July 17, 2023
IECA Requests Extension of Time to Comment on New Source Performance Standards for GHG Emissions from New and Reconstructed EGUs; Emission Guidelines for GHG Emissions from Existing EGUs; and Repeal of the Affordable Clean Energy Rule

July 14, 2023
IECA Urges FERC to Hold Technical Conference on EPA Clean Power Plan 2.0

July 12, 2023
Electricity Price Inflation is 80% Higher Than the Consumer Price Index – FERC Must Act and Require Electricity Transmission Competition

July 10, 2023
IECA Supports S. 1863, the “PROVE IT Act”

June 26, 2023
Commodity Futures Trading Commission Requests Paul Cicio to Serve as a Representative Member on the Energy and Environmental Markets Advisory Committee “Energy Infrastructure” Subcommittee Representing Industrials

June 14, 2023
DOE Presentation: Decarbonizing Industry with Combined Heat and Power and Waste Heat to Power Systems

June 14, 2023
Electricity Price Inflation Outpaces CPI by 47% – FERC Must Act

June 13, 2023
IECA Submits Comments for the Record Concerning Hearing on “Oversight of FERC: Adhering to a Mission of Affordable and Reliable Energy for America”

June 8, 2023
IECA and Other Organizations Urge FERC to Address NOPR Generator Interconnection Shortcomings

May 18, 2023
IECA and Other Natural Gas Users Support Faster Pipeline Permitting (view press release)

May 17, 2023
IECA Supports S. 1399, the “Building American Energy Security Act of 2023”

May 16, 2023
IECA Supports S. 1521, the “Community and Hydropower Improvement Act”

May 8, 2023
IECA Supports S. 1410, the “Energy Consumer Protection Act”

May 3, 2023
IECA Submits Comments for the Record Concerning Hearing on the Oversight of FERC

April 28, 2023
IECA Urges Chairman Manchin and Barrasso to Support Transmission Competition: FERC Transmission NOPR

April 12, 2023
IECA: Electricity Price Inflation Soars to 10.2%, Outpacing CPI Again – FERC Must Act

March 29, 2023
IECA Urges Congress to Oppose Section 10007, Unlocking Our Domestic LNG Potential – U.S. Already Exports 21 Percent of Natural Gas and Will Increase to 35 Percent by 2027

March 27, 2023
IECA Urges Congress to Remove Section 10007, Unlocking Our Domestic LNG Potential

March 27, 2023
IECA and Coalition Members Letter in Support of Permitting Reform

March 24, 2023
Iowa Supreme Court Strikes Down Anti-competitive Right of Fight Refusal Bill

March 23, 2023
IECA Comments on FERC’s Transmission Cost Containment

March 23, 2023
Status of LNG Export Terminals

March 8, 2023
LNG Exports Exceed Net U.S. Supply for Six of Eight Years

March 6, 2023
IECA Urges Congress to Oppose H.R. 1130, the “Unlocking Our Domestic LNG Potential Act of 2023”

March 3, 2023
IECA Supports the “Transparency and Production of American Energy Act of 2023”

March 3, 2023
IECA Supports H.R. 209, the “Permitting for Mining Needs Act of 2023”

February 10, 2023
IECA FERC Complaint: Action by Electric Utilities to Establish State ROFRs in MO, MS, KS, IN are Blatant Interference with FERC’s Jurisdiction

February 2, 2023
IECA Strongly Opposes the “Unlocking our Domestic LNG Potential Act of 2023” (view press release)

January 30, 2023
Comments for the Record on “American Energy Expansion: Strengthening Economic, Environmental, and National Security” Hearing

January 3, 2023
Cicio Op-Ed: “FERC Nears One of the Costliest Energy Decisions in History”

Comments are closed.